SharePoint Hosting

How a New Jersey-Based CPA Successfully Migrated UltraTax CS 2018 to the Cloud


A New Jersey-based CPA wanted to migrate his tax preparation software to the Cloud. With 2 users on UltraTax CS 2018 software, migration would provide better flexibility with anytime anywhere access. But a complex tax software like UltraTax CS requires significant effort along with proper guidance to migrate to the Cloud.

Apps4Rent’s Solution:

Migrate the individual data files of UltraTax CS 2018 version onto the Cloud with the help of screen share with Apps4Rent experts. Transfer all the files step-by-step, as guided by the expert, until all the UltraTax data is moved to the Cloud.


The CPA successfully moved all the UltraTax data files on Apps4Rent’s Cloud Desktop on his own. After adding the second user to the Cloud Desktop, both the users can now access UltraTax CS from anywhere, offering them the flexibility they always wanted.

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Company Type
Independent CPA, New Jersey

Accounting & Tax

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