
Application hosting allows you to be productive
from anywhere, with any device.


What are the differences between the Managed Dedicated SharePoint hosting plan and SharePoint enabled on Hyper–V dedicated server?
Some of the core differences between our Managed Dedicated SharePoint Hosting Plan and SharePoint Enabled Hyper-V dedicated server are these. With SharePoint enabled on Hyper-V; we would install WSS 3.0 and give it to you. You would have to manage and troubleshoot the issues from your side. With Managed Dedicated SharePoint Hosting Plan we provide you support for your SharePoint queries and manage/monitor essential services for your server.

Services Managed Dedicated SharePoint Hosting SharePoint Enabled on Hyper-V server
Monitoring of server(24 X 7) Yes No
Monitoring Essential Services Yes No
24 X 7 support for SharePoint Queries Yes No
Upgrading server to latest patches and releases Yes No
Troubleshooting issues Yes No
Daily and Weekly SharePoint Granular Backup Yes No
Server Administration Included Not Included

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