
Mac not so Laid Back

On July 30, Apple support released and article titled “Unauthorized modifications of iPhone OS has been major source of instability, disruption of services, and other issues” that essentially blamed any and all iPhone issues experienced by end users on modifying, or “jailbreaking” the iPhone OS.

Jailbreaking is the practice of hacking the iPhone OS so the unit can run software not authorized by Apple. This is usually achieved by using one of several pieces of software readily available on the Internet to unlock the iPhone 3G and 3GS.

Apple says that use of this software is responsible for “crashes and freezes”, “loss of data” and dropped calls/ slow Internet as well as many other issues. It warns that your security could be compromised in a way that would “allow hackers to steal personal information, damage the device, attack the wireless network”.

Apple also sternly warns that this practice is a violation of the end user agreement.

I don’t know about you, but this no longer sounds like the new-age uber-hippie that we have all grown accustomed to lulling us into a sense of “coolness”. This Mac more resembles a stark, severe agent, complete with dark sunglasses and earpiece that you are sure is saying something about you.

I blame the iPhone. Oh, and the iPod touch. before these mobile computing devices, Apple’s market share was not so small as it was “exclusive”. People that belonged to this club were willing to spend the extra to buy the hardware, so they weren’t likely to be the type to go rampantly stealing software.

Now that the iPhone and the iPod touch are experiencing enormous growth, along with an out-of-control App Store and hit and miss acceptance of Apps, Apple is feeling, and showing, some growing pains. Hopefully it will outgrow these problems, refine the App Store business model and get back to being the friendly, awesome technology provider we have known it to be.

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