
Timer Jobs in SharePoint 2010

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 is rich in features. When properly configured SharePoint can support collaboration, manage shared documents, define workflows, schedule tasks, etc.

Another key feature of SharePoint Server 2010 is a Timer Job. A timer job runs in a specific Windows service for SharePoint Server and performs infrastructure tasks for the Timer service, such as clearing the timer job history and recycling the Timer service; and tasks for Web applications, such as sending e-mail alerts. A timer job contains a definition of the service to run and specifies how frequently the service is started. The SharePoint 2010 Timer service (SPTimerv4) runs timer jobs.

The most significant change you will see in SharePoint Server 2010 Timer Job is that 21 news Timer Jobs have been added here. If for an ordinary SharePoint 2007 application we had 39 Timer’s Job, then we have 60 Jobs for SharePoint 2010. The recently added Timer Jobs include the following:

Default Timer Jobs in SharePoint Server 2010

  1. Application Addresses Refresh Job
  2. Audit Log Trimming
  3. Delete Job History
  4. Document ID enable/disable job
  5. Document ID assignment job
  6. Enterprise Server Search Master Job
  7. Health Analysis Job
  8. InfoPath Forms Services Maintenance
  9. Password Management
  10. Prepare query suggestions
  11. Product Version Job
  12. Query Logging
  13. Secure Store Service Timer
  14. Solution Daily Resource Usage Update
  15. State Service Delete Expired Sessions
  16. Timer Service Recycle
  17. Web Analytics Trigger Workflows Timer Job
  18. Windows SharePoint Services Usage Data Import
  19. Windows SharePoint Services Usage Data Processing
  20. Word Conversion Timer Job
  21. Workflow

The SharePoint 2010 Timer service (SPTimerv4) is based on the Gregorian calendar for scheduling. For every job that you schedule, you specify when the timer job will run, specified in a 24-hour time format. You must specify the time in local time instead of as an offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The time is stored in that format. Daily, weekly, and monthly schedules also include a window of execution. The timer job will select a random time within this interval to start executing the job on each applicable server. Timer Job is appropriate for high-load jobs that run on multiple servers on the farm. Running this kind of job on all the servers at the same time might place an unreasonable load on the farm. Timer job schedules can be specified by using Windows PowerShell.

Take advantage of SharePoint Timer Jobs and other useful features of SharePoint 2013 Hosting,  SharePoint 2010 hosting, SharePoint Foundation hosting or SharePoint Server 2010 – with shared or dedicated hosting by Apps4Rent. Also see feature by feature comparison of SharePoint Foundation vs Server 2010.We offer free SharePoint with our hosted exchange plans. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 or  MOSS 2007 is also available.

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