How to Migrate On-Premises PostgreSQL Database to Azure?
PostgreSQL is one of the most popular open-source databases, that is reliable and has a rich feature set. It can be used to store a wide range of data types, including geospatial data and JSON extracts, that are semi-structured, with structured data in a binary form, and access them quickly. Consequently, it is used by businesses across different sectors, including some of the largest tech giants such as Uber, Netflix, Instagram, and Spotify.
In addition to the core advantages of reliability and rich data type support, migrating PostgreSQL to the cloud provides several other benefits. In this article, we will cover the benefits of migrating on-premises PostgreSQL databases to Azure and the process of doing so.
What Are the Advantages of Migrating On-Premises PostgreSQL to Azure?
Microsoft offers PostgreSQL database on Azure as a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) solution with several unique features. Here are some of the advantages of migrating on-premises PostgreSQL workloads to Azure Database.
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL uses artificial intelligence to optimize performance and protect against advanced threats.
- Users can choose between single zone or zone redundant high availability protected by an SLA of up to 99.99%.
- Enterprises can PostgreSQL scale both vertically and horizontally using Hyperscale (Citus) for high-performance.
- There is tight integration with extensions, frameworks, languages, and other services such as Azure Data Studio.
- Admins have greater control and flexibility over the maintenance window and configuration parameters. Additionally, the total cost of ownership is lower compared to on-premises servers as the burstable instances allow users to pay for storage when the database stops.
- With Azure Arc enabled PostgreSQL Hyperscale, enterprises can extend Azure cloud benefits such as elastic scale, unified management, and the cloud billing model to the infrastructure of their choice.
How To Move On-Premises PostgreSQL Workloads to Azure?
Microsoft offers multiple methods to migrate on-premises PostgreSQL databases to Azure. The tools and migration methods depend on the workloads. Here is a brief overview of the process involved in a typical PostgreSQL database migration to Azure.
- Users can either create single instances of Azure Database for PostgreSQL service or script the process using Azure CLI for creating multiple instances.
- While businesses that need to use Azure Database for PostgreSQL for transactional workloads can opt for the single server deployment option, enterprises that require ultra-high performance with data needs beyond 100GB typically seen in multi-tenant applications and real-time analytical workloads should opt for Hyperscale (Citus) server group.
- After creating the instances, businesses can perform an online migration from the on-premises PostgreSQL installation to Azure Database for PostgreSQL using Azure Database Migration Service.
- Alternatively, admins can perform an offline migration to Azure Database for PostgreSQL, or a PostgreSQL server running on some other service, such as an Azure virtual machine using the import-export or backup-restore methods.
- Finally, the applications using the on-premises databases will have to be reconfigured to point to the databases running in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Apps4Rent Can Help Migrate On-Premises PostgreSQL Databases to Azure
In many enterprises, several applications might be running against the same PostgreSQL databases. Many users might be running these applications at any given time. Enterprises must ensure that their systems can work, business-critical operations remain operational, and their users can continue their tasks while migrating their system to Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
As a Tier 1 Microsoft CSP, Apps4Rent uses tools and best practices recommended by Microsoft to perform complex migrations as a part of its managed Azure services. Contact our Microsoft-certified Azure cloud architects, available 24/7 via phone, chat, and email for assistance.

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